曾三凯1974年出生于中国福建泉州,目前生活工作于北京。2003年,毕业于中国美术学院中国画系山水专业研究生班,获硕士学位,师从卓鹤君先生;2007年,毕业于中央美术学院绘画博士班,获博士学位(中央美院首届首位山水画创作博士),师从张立辰、邱振中、陈平先生。目前是中国艺术研究院中国画院国家一级美术师、教授,云南大学特聘教授,文化旅游部艺术发展中心中国画创作研究院青年画院副院长等。曾三凯的作品《闵园系列》获“美苑杯”全国艺术学院毕业评比中国画最高奖,第九届全国美术作品展优秀奖等。他的作品曾在国内外艺术机构进行展出,包括恭王府安善堂(北京),Blue Butterly艺术空间(奥克兰),中国美术馆(北京),印象画廊(巴黎),中国国家博物馆(北京),炎黄美术馆(北京),米兰世博馆(意大利)等。作品已被中国美术馆,中国艺术研究院,中国美术学院,恭王府博物馆,深圳美术馆等机构收藏。
Zeng Sankai was born in 1974 in Quanzhou, Fujian province, China. Currently, he lives and works in Beijing, China. Zeng had Bachelor and Master Degrees from Chinese Painting Department at China Academy of Art, and obtained Doctor’s degree from Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA). Zeng was the first PhD in Chinese Landscape Painting from CAFA, led by Zhang Lichen, Qiu Zhenzhong and Chen Ping in 2007. Now, Zeng is a distinguished professor and graduate advisor at Yunnan University, national high-class artist, professor, and graduate advisor at China Academy of Art , and Vice President at Youth Painting Academy of Chinese Painting Creation Institute at Art Development Center under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Zeng's Minyuan Series achieved the Top Prize of Chinese Painting at the China Academy of Art. His works were exhibited at many domestic and international art institutions, including Prince Kung’s Mansion Museum (Beijing), Blue Butterfly Gallery (Auckland), National Art Museum of China (Beijing), Galerie-librairie IMPRESSIONS (Paris), National Museum of China (Beijing), Yan Huang Art Museum (Beijing), Expo Milano (Milan). Zeng’s works have been collected by National Art Museum of China, China Academy of Arts, CAFA, Prince Kung's Mansion Museum, and Shenzhen Art Museum etc.